What is Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a web analytics tool company Google. Provides information pooled traffic to websites according to audience, the acquisition, behavior and conversions carried out on the website.

Reports may be obtained as tracking unique users, performance segment users, the results of different online marketing campaigns, sessions by traffic sources, bounce rates, length of sessions, popular content, conversions (for ecommerce), etc. This product was developed based on the purchase of Urchin (until then the largest company in statistical analysis of web pages) by Google.

Google announced 2 April 2014 the launch of the latest and most comprehensive update of this tool: Universal Analytics.


It is a web analytics tool company Google. Provides information pooled traffic to websites based on the type of audience, form of acquisition, visitanten behavior on the web site and measurement conversions of visitors to subscribers or buyers.

What is analytics?

Before explaining what Google Analytics and how it works. Let's see what the term means Analytics or translation into Spanish Web Analytics.
Analytics is treated as the data-intensive, statistical and quantitative analysis, predictive and explanatory models and fact-based management to support decision-making process, creating competitive advantages and value creation in organizations. Many successful examples worldwide are evidence of the potential application of analytics in companies and government institutions.

“Demand for deep analytical talent in the United States could be 50 to 60 percent greater than its projected supply by 2018” McKinsey Global Institute Report (2011)

Analytics is very important at present given the development of new technologies that allow massive data collection, many companies face the challenge of managing, analyze and effectively use large volumes of information to make better decisions and execute actions that represent competitive advantages in their respective sectors.

Does Google Analytics is free?

Google Analytics is free in its standard version and has a Enorma potential for you to have a website with less than 10 million visits per month. So this point you should not worry, Google Analytics is free for you.

But well worth it is noting that this tool gives you a lot of information to Google about you and your visitors, So thanks to this you can find out which ones are the best customers for this or that service or product. So as always, FREE is the best way to know a market and creativity that make probecho.

In my personal opinion it is that Google Analytics is a tool now indispensable for anyone who wants to bring a website professionally and day cares if your Google uses the information to become smarter, If you know take advantage of win-win tool.

Now if you doubt what will you do to keep using Google Analytics when you clear the 10 million visits per month, Premium version exists https://www.google.com/intl/es_ALL/analytics/premium/index.html which offers greater capacity, flexibility and updated data in less time. A couple of questions you could be doing on both versions are:

What differentiates the premium standard solution?

Google Analytics customers Premium have a larger data capacity, They can access unsampled data and collect data faster. Google Analytics Premium also integrates with DoubleClick for Advertisers and offers additional custom variables. Google Analytics customers receive premium assistance and training from Google technical experts or Google Authorized to ensure robust implementation and effective use distributors all functions offered by Google Analytics.

Google Analytics Premium includes a support service available for urgent incidents 24 hours a day, 7 weekdays, previews of new features and invitations to webinars or events to share feedback with the Google Analytics team. You can see a full comparison between the standard and Premium versions on this page.
How much and how is billed?

Google Analytics Premium has an annual fixed cost for accounts with up to one billion hits per month, and customers receive a monthly bill. Instead, tiered pricing structure applies if the customer has more than one billion hits per month. Google Analytics Premium can be paid in different currencies. See contact form for prices by geographic area. The price offered by Google Analytics Authorized Resellers may vary.

What does google analytics?

To measure your web traffic and know where your visitors come from many other geographical statistics and the way users view your site. It also can measure the effectiveness of your online advertising campaigns.

How does google analytics?

  • Instalar google analytics
  • Register with google analytics
  • Create an account google analytics
  • Access google analytics
  • Download google analytics code
  • Google Analytics implement the code on your site
Where is training google analytics?

Analytics Academy

Analytics Academy It offers free online courses on Analytics and other data analysis tools. Analytics can be used to prepare the Academy Certification exam proficiency Google Analytics, recognized in the industry.

Analytics demo account

The Analytics demo account It is fully functional and any Google user can access it. It is very useful to see real business data and test different functions Analytics.

Analytics Channel on YouTube

He Analytics YouTube channel It offers videos on various topics of data analysis.

Blog de Analytics

He blog de Analytics It contains articles on aspects as varied as new features, Analytics tips or upcoming industry events, for example. To easily find what you are looking for, you just have to click on the labels of topics that interest you.

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