definition of social networks

What are social networks?

The social networking definition and how it is classified. further, his story, its advantages, criticism and negative aspects. Social networks are Internet sites formed by communities of individuals with common interests or activities. (as friendship, relationship, job) and to allow contact between these, so that they can communicate and exchange information.

Red, a term derived from the Latin network, It mentions the structure having a characteristic pattern. This definition allows the concept to be applied in various fields, as computer (where a network is a collection of interconnected computers that share information).

Individuals do not necessarily need to know before making contact through a social network, but can do so through it, and that is one of the biggest benefits of virtual communities.


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Origin and Evolution of Social Networking

Heorigin of social networks It is fairly recent, it can be said that arise in 1995 with the creation of, at the hands of the US Randy Conrads. This social network sought to bring together former schoolmates, the universities.

Then, seeing that the project was successful, They began to appear new networks intended to gather friends, and for the year 2003 They had already become popular sites such as LinkedIn and MySpace, with more specific objectives.


The story behind Facebook and Twitter

Some of the most popular social networks today areFacebook YTwitter.

Facebook It was created around2004 by a group of students led by Mark Zuckerberg, in order to keep in touch with students from Harvard University (USA). Nevertheless, soon anyone with an email account could join. A) Yes, Facebook began to gain popularity in the student environment, and then expand its target. Network translation into multiple languages, allowed its global expansion. Today this network has more than 1000 million users.

Twitter It was created a little after Facebook, circa2006 and is a social network that allows you to publish fairly short texts (140 characters), which they are popularly known as "tweets" that appear on the user's home page that publishes. In this way, each individual subscribed to said network, you can choose to "follow" other users, and thus view the contents of their publications.

Negative aspects of social networks

Although the use of social networks has many benefits, for example, contact people who are far, meet new people, promote the participation of teamwork, Share files simply (documents, music, Photographs, among others), there is also a negative aspect of these, which lies in thelack of privacy, as each file or publish users may fall into the hands of people with dark ends.

Another aspect risky, is the indiscriminate access to sensitive content (for example sexual or violent), which often it is inadequate especially for vulnerable social groups, as children. This is evidenced in many occasions cases of harassment, such as that of adults seeking contact with children or vulnerable people; or by known, as classmates who seek to mock other. All this is helped by the fact that adolescents and young people are the primary user group of social networks.

social networking types

Types of social networks

If you would like to classify social networks, It could be done by origin and function.

Social Media Types:

  • generic networks: They are very numerous and popular (as Facebook Twitter).
  • professional networking: as a LinkedIn, involving individuals who share the workplace or looking to expand their business boundaries and can be open or closed.
  • thematic networks: They relate to people with specific interests in common, like music, hobbies, sports, etc., the most famous Flickr (theme: Photography).

In general, enter a social network is very simple, because it simply involves filling out a questionnaire with basic personal information and obtain a User Name and Password, that will serve the user to enter privately to the network. While the user meets the requirements for registration in the network (eg. full age), you can do so without drawbacks.

What is a community manager?

What is a community manager?, a question that still today companies and brands still do not have anything clear.

El community manager, Do you manage the reputation of the brand or single program publications?, You are responsible for Social Ads campaigns or simply responding to customers?

In this article we give the definition for community manager or manager comunity; which they are skills that should have, What responsibility and functions it has a CM, that objectives and methodology must apply and meet.

First of all let's frame the figure of communiy manager within the structure of the digital marketing department. Which it is where it should be and not in the communication department or isolated like a "ave raris"They were.

Commun Definition Manager:

HeCommunity Manager It is a digital marketing professional responsible for the management and development of the online community of a brand or company in the digital world.

In these management functions and development, should increase the community to identify potential customers and specifiers. Once detected,  establish with them lasting and stable relations. Relationships that contribute to the final attainment of the objectives digital brand marketing: sell more.

Definition social networks

What does a Community Manager?

Said that the profile of the community manager navigates between the management of online or digital communication and digital marketing, it must meet the goals and establish a plan of action.

As community manager will have a specific strategy and objectives, which will contribute to the objectives and strategy of Social Media Brand. And in turn the overall objective and digital marketing strategy of the organization.

In this scheme the community must provide value in the following 4 areas:

1.- Creation and content management.

2.- Analytics. Monitoring of all parameters: engagement, community growth, KING, social web traffic ...

3.-Communication with the community. Establish two-way dialogue, create audiences, humanize the brand and create value.

4.- Action planning digital marketing.

Objectives Community Manager

For it must meet the following specific objectives for its area of ​​action:

  • Work and improve brand visibility in the digital world. Which have a direct effect on the rate of digital visibility and reputation online.
  • Increase community with a focus on high value. not worth with quantity but we must look for quality.

Followers to be active, share, comment and eventually purchase the goods or services of the trademark.

  • Social web traffic generation ends becoming qualified. Set the total number of visits resulting from managing corporate social networking web or commercial landing.
  • Establish relationships with customers, specifiers and industry influncers.
  • Customer Services. Often social channels become channels Customer.

In this case, personally I have no clear function that is intrinsic community manager. One thing is to manage content and respond to comments and quite another customer.

In this respect we can have community manager trained in customer channel to take responsibility.

Methodology Community Manager

Like all professional digital marketing, management requires professional community manager for the correct implementation methodology.

Therefore you should never miss:

  • Good Practice Guide: a manual or document that includes good practice of community manager. Such as not buying followers or schedule always performs a social network publications.

You can pick up and make a calendar of publications, the indicatorsKPISwe must measure at least, for example.

In this way the work of community manager will be transparent, gained credibility, trust and professionalism.

  • ethic: much professionals who have not yet learned this term. It is neither more nor less than to have rigor and professional judgment. No such attack in competition with false profiles humble themselves and their reputation lastren. Not throw false accusations and lies ...

This does not mean that we plan professional actions of "guerrilla marketing" to win our major competitors.

  • Style guide: This is essential for each brand, and in the sub-mark lines have social network.

It is a very common mistake to find brands that following the timeline know perfectly when it changes from community manager.

The mark can not be owned by his manager

To do a style guide which develops such mark:

- Message tone: if a formal or corporate tone, but informal, near,

- Typefaces: Capitalization and exclamations.

- Graphic Style: for photographs and illustrations all resources used by the brand.

- The type of language and writing mode ...

If we define these concepts in line with the values ​​and attributes of the brand, create a "human" social profile of the brand to life.

  • professional templates: fundamental part of the work. Calendar Template Publications, scorecard template or KPIS, monitoring template social profiles ...

They make our work efficient and effective.

  • Portfolio of professional tools: This point is a little more detail below but it is essential to use professional tools for professional management.

Funciones Community Manager

At this point, Now it's getting down to work to explain a flashpoint.


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What it does and does not do a community manager?

Well the functions are performed by a CM:

  • Meet the objectives of digital marketing, social media and social networking.
  • Monitor brand. You must know at all times who say the company, products and services. If positive comments, negative Neutral.
  • Realization publication calendar for each social network. This involves first establishing the strategic lines of the brand content for each social network.

We must not forget that the brand must communicate content tailored and customized for each social network. The user does not look the same in Linkedin Twitter than in Snapchat.

  • Generate digital communication to establish relations with the community, prescribers, customers and users interested in our content.
  • Activity analysis of the main competitors of the brand.

- they do in social networks.

- What content published.

- level online reputation.

- How is your community: level of engagement and involvement ...

  • Identify influencers and opinion leaders in my sector to synergize and relationship with them.
  • Monitoring of all indicators and KPIs.
  • Conduct monthly monitoring reports.


that are a community manager

Skills Community Manager

As you can imagine the community manager it is an external complex profile that should work with the internal customer and the customer. And that is in a hinge position in the digital marketing department.

For it must have the following professional skills and aptitudes:

- Be patient, because the community are people and manages a brand. Therefore you receive complaints, bad manners, Negative comments should deal with serenity and calm.

- Methodological: is essential to establish a methodology and apply it to the letter. This will avoid errors, we will be more efficient and effective in our actions.

- Active listening: important to listen and monitor they say about the brand or company. A high percentage of time developed by the community manager should apply in this.

- Proactivo: This is not only replicate content but must be an active profile, respond and seek. Watch for trends and respond against the unforeseen or attacks such Trolls.

- Professional: It should be formed for this professional profile.

It's okay to believe that the professional profile of the community manager can do any!!!

- Organized: If you manage more than 10 networks will understand that I mean

It is a job that requires daily planning, response, simultaneous lines of work where the order content is essential.

Herramientas Community Manager

Development of professional management community manager needs to use tools that make you "life easier" and help us.

1. Program your social profiles with Hootsuite, Buffer o Social Bro

2. Enrich your content with Feedly, adding new content.

3. Shorten your URLs to take up less space and measure Bitly.

4. Measures the reputation or brand profile with Klout or Kred.

5. Bromide que pasa and cada save con Facebook Insigths o Twitter Analytics.

6. Know the impact of your actions on the web with Google Analytics.

Mistakes to Avoid for Community Manager

I have some mistakes that have happened to us and that you must avoid

- Never believe that the account that you manage the brand is yours.

- Never give answers that are inconsistent or consistent brand and style guide.

- you must always confirm all sources of information.

- Beware excessive use and abuse hashtag

- Huye always the "I-ness" because just talking about the brand bored.

- Of course you never use tools that do not know in depth. What experiments at home or your personal blog.

Consejos de Community Manager a Community Manager

To finish the article we are going with professional tips to help you in your career community manager.

- Training and more training: digital marketing profession in general and the particular community needs continuous training.

So you know look master, higher education, journeys, blogs, e-book and all you find!!!!

- Learn from the best in your industry:

- Proof, measures and corrects: do not throw nothing you can not measure. It's key, and will measure return to modify, correct or enhance the lines and actions that have worked best.

- Plan your actions: This is not advice, it is an obligation!!! you must have a Social Media Plan and Digital Marketing Plan.

- Ask for help and advice: when you do not know how to do something, ask for help. looking tutorials, Throw your question in forums professionals like you, ask a blogger.

community manager sueldo

Community Manager Sueldo

How much does a Community Manager? Keep accounts online social profiles generated a new job in the advertising world: social networking administrator, or manager communities better known under the English termCommunity manager. This new profession is not yet taught in universities. Beginners in these matters of digital marketing often ask us how you can win a community manager?


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While there are tabulators prices in Spain and the United States in Mexico still we live in chaos between supply and demand. exist 3 ways to calculate the salary of a community manager: per package (draft), per hour per post.

In Mexico the prices are very uneven. In OCC we find deals offering salaries between agencies $8.000 Y $10.000. The average charges a CM in Mexico are $7.000 pesos a month as a freelancer. If you wish to give the average hourly rate is 200 a 300 pesos.

Hopefully we find interesting offers, They proposed a salary of between $11.000 Y $13.000 monthly pesos, but with the legend “according skills”. The community manager will take care of multiple accounts on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and other electronic media.

Some companies do not value the work of l @ s CM and offer salaries $3.000 monthly pesos, with the small advantage of working at home.

The demands are many: previous experience, perfect spelling, PR talent, experience in blogs, SEO, search engine, High level of written English, Hootsuite and knowledge of Google Analytics…

The fact is that companies do not actually measure accurately the cost of a community manager and profile are not sure to look for. The ads point out that the salary will be defined according to their abilities. further, companies ignore if your community manager has to work full or part time.

The cost of labor manager or community manager is variable and should be tailored to the needs of each client. Always be considered by the community manager who must assess the specific tasks to perform. Based on the average it is easier to make a calculation and apply the old adage “according toad pedrada”.

A recurring question that we have digital marketing professionals is to knowhow much to charge for our services. So many professionals (and not as professional) in the market offering such services, and so much competition, there who has reached unsuspected limits by offering services at very low prices. To try to stop this problem, We have conducted a survey of professionals who offer social media services with the aim of trying to figure outmuch does a Community Manager. Definitely, one of the most undervalued economically professional profiles in the digital sector, despite its great importance and responsibility to be the voice of the company in the network.

survey, whose results have updated in June 2018, with about 300 answers given by people who work or have worked in the past year as Community Managers, in the these interesting results:

How much does a Community Manager a month full-time?

The following graph, as a comparative, you can see the average monthly salary of a Community Manager who works full time in Social Media agency or marketing department of a company or brand. In order to perform comparative they have expressed all monthly salaries in US dollars (USD).


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In the next chart you can see the monthly salary of a Community Manager, expressed in the currency of each country corresponding:

PARENTS Currency of the country Dollars ($)
Spain (EUR) 1142 1297
Mexico (MXN) 9830 547
Argentina (ARS) 11500 702
Colombia (COP) 2125000 701
Bolivia (BS) 3750 543
Peru (PEN) 825 255
Dominican Republic (RD) 12333 262
Costa Rica (CRC) 600000 1053
Puerto Rico (USD) 2400 2400

How much does a Community Manager Freelance per customer?

The following graph, You can see a comparison of countries which charges a Community Manager freelance each customer on a monthly basis. In order to perform comparative figures are expressed in US dollars (USD).

In the next chart you can see the monthly fee of a Community Manager to a client in the currency of each country corresponding:

PARENTS Currency of the country Dollars ($)
Spain (EUR) 374 425
Mexico (MXN) 6375 354
Argentina (ARS) 4714 288
Colombia (COP) 750000 248
Bolivia (BS) 1400 203
Peru (PEN) 1219 376
Dominican Republic (RD) 8000 170
Chile (CLP) 248333 375
Costa Rica (CRC) 151167 265
Puerto Rico (USD) 2000 2000


community manager trabajo


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What kind of services they are offered as Community Manager Freelance?

Another question we posed to respondents was about the type of services offered to its customers. Among his answers are the following:

  • Social Media Strategies.
  • Managing social networking with minimum monthly publications.
  • Report monthly results.
  • Campaigns on Facebook and Google Ads.
  • combining Ads. with organic content.
  • Content creation.
  • Publishing best time every day.
  • Contact influencers.
  • Writing in blogs based on SEO.
  • Managing website and blog.
  • Ideas promotions.
  • Content curation.
  • Plan content.
  • Content strategy.
  • Comment Moderation.
  • editorial calendar for networking and blog.
  • Customer Support.
  • Monitoring keywords.
  • Retransmission of live events.
  • Management newsletter.
  • Consulting the use of digital tools.
  • Graphic design.
  • Create business accounts.
  • Web development.
  • Buyer generation person.
  • Creating audiovisual content.
  • SEO, SEM and web optimization.
  • Photography.

Community Manager job

Community Manager Trabajo. You can you have seenjob of "Seeking community manager freelance"and do not understand why there are so many vacancies.

He thinks that Internet has changed the world of online marketing, and today there are many companies that needsocial media management services.

As I say in this video the key to search andfind employment in 2018 It is dedicate to work on what is more demand and it is easier to learn. Therefore it is advisable that you avoid being unemployed long, finding a job quickly.

And now one of thebest digital marketing professions are the community manager, whose simple definition isperson responsible for managing social networks of a company.

Social networking is a communication channel is free, which it is being built by companies in their marketing strategy.

Social networks allow loyalty, attract customers and give visibility to the products and services of any company. So we need community manager freelance, It is a profession that has a great future and canand even work remotely from home.

Requirements to work as Community Manager

Note that to succeed as manager communities one of the most important requirements is to be sociable, as are social networks need to communicate with others. And if you're not gregarious it is difficult for youbeing a good community manager.

Another requirement to seek employment is that you are active in networks, that you knowwork profiles on social networks in which you are active. Since first thing they see many companies before hiring someone for a job community manager.

Where to study social networking management to work

Training is very important whenwhere to study social networking management, but not theoretical but practical. It is therefore essential that you can work on real projects and companiesknow the professional agency methodologywe apply with social networking clients.

Whenhow to get work community manager, professionally trained does not require much time when other disciplines which study how online marketing.


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The experience can be acquired through the years or months, It all depends on the agility you have in the use andwhere to study social networking community manager.

Social Media ROI

How to Calculate Social Media ROI 5 simple steps and see if your actions on social networks are generating income (It includes formula!)

With theSocial Media ROI It occurs as with beer: you may have been many years without knowing it existed, but once you fall into the temptation not no stopping you

Ignored by many, discussed by others and loved by the lucky few who know how to measure it, learn how to calculate the ROI of your actions in social media can open doorsParadise where coexist happily successful businesses.

And although social networks have an amazing power to grow your business, to create a profile on Facebook or Twitter but not enoughyou have to track stocks, expenses and results. And this is where comes in the Social Media ROI orReturn of investment.

So if you want to knowWhat exactly is Social Media ROIwhy you should measure Yhow to calculateto make sure that your actions on social networks are paying off.

What is Social Media ROI and why you should measure?

There is a rule in the world of digital marketing that is unbreakable:

If you do not measure the results of your actions, you never know if they are really working.

That is precisely responsible for the Social Media ROI orReturn On Investment: to know how effective is still your campaign on social networks.

To explain it simply,

ROI in social networksIt is a percentage calculated in terms of investment and the benefits we get through our actions in different social platforms to know what the rate of return on that investment.

In other words, Social Media ROI has an important mission to help you knowthe economic performance of an investmentand therefore evaluatehow much money it is generated every dollar invested in a particular campaign.

Here it may seem all very logical, but the reality is that todayhe 41% companies do not know whether their efforts on social networks are paying off according to a study by Convince & Convert.

And not only that but as pointed out another study, this time prepared by Domo:

3 decade 4 digital marketing experts do not know how to measure Social Media ROI.

The main problem with so much difficulty is that most companies stop in metric as vain as the number of followers on Twitter or the amount of"I like it" which it has a publication on Facebook without knowing that these figures despite being important are insufficient when measuring your company profits thanks to your actions in networks.

Why, sincerely, What does yourFacebook posts more sharing 300 Sometimes if that does not help you reach your goals?

After that, you will probably be wondering: Is it difficult to measure the Social Media ROI? A bit.It is necessary? Undoubtedly.

So let's try to certify thee as easy as possible so that when you finish readingknow how to measure the ROI of your efforts in social networks without feeling that it will exploit you head.

How to Calculate Social Media ROI 5 steps without dying in the attempt (It includes formula)

1. Define your goals

Before you start measuring social media ROI it is something very important thing to do: identify your goals.Because let's face:


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If you do not know where you're going, How are you going to get there?

Take the time to define the objectives of your brand to make sure you are measuring the ROI based on them, because such is not the same as wanting to generate sales to increase traffic to your website or generate brand image.

When you define your goals, Note that ideally should meet 5 requirements: they have to be specificmeasurableachievable, realistic Ylimited in time; that is to say, what is known asobjectives S.M.A.R.T.for its acronym in English.

2. Keeps track of your KPIs

TheKPIs OKey Performance Indicators —Key Performance Indicators in Englishson metrics that measure if you are meeting the objectives or not you defined in the above item.

For example, If your goal is to increase the number of followers on Instagram then a good KPI measure would be thescope.

There are so many KPIs and objectives you have in your business and vary from one company to another (for example, you should not measure the same KPIs if your goal is to increase sales from Facebook that if your goal is to drive traffic to your blog).

The truth is that the KPIs are vital to know if you are going on the right track and if you're achieving your goals , Like the ROI-and in fact, ROI itself is a key indicator because it helps us to know what the performance of a share-. Let's sayROI and complement each other KPIs.

But beyond all this; What is the relationship between KPIs and ROI? Why do you need to consider the KPIs to know the profitability of your actions on social networks?

First you must identify your KPIs to know what you want to focus and then you find it easier to measure the ROI-and what actions you want to measure the return on investment-. KPIs help refine all that.

For example, If you want to know if your content on social media work, as you do?

This is where come into play KPIs. In this case, for example, to know whether the content you post on social media are read a good KPI to consider would be thetraffic since measuring the traffic you'll get an idea of ​​how your actions focused worked to increase visits and then calculate the ROI.

Now, What are the KPIs that can help you know what the ROI of your actions in social media are? Depending on what your goals are must measure about KPIs or other. These are some of the most important:

  •  impressions. It lets see how many times you appear in thetimeline Onews feedyour users to get an idea ofhow many people you are reaching a certain publication. If your goal is to publicize your brand, for example, then it is an essential metric to measure ROI.
  • Scope. Is the number of users who have seen a certain publication, and differs from impressions because the scopeonly measures how many people see a certain publication. It is vital to measure the growth of your brand, and statistics can find them most often on the same platforms.
  • Engagement. It is a key metric in social media that will help you knowthe degree of user engagement with your brand. Is the number of comments, retweets, mentions, likes, favorites and everything that involves interaction with your brand.
  • Traffic. It is vital to knowthe number of visits that drifts from different social networks into a web page in particular. Usually go hand in hand with conversions.
  • Conversion rate. Fundamental to know how many conversions have achieved through social networks, whether visits to leads, Lead customers or any other conversion related to your goals.
  • Bounce Rate. indicatesthe percentage of visits from social networks that leave your website within a few seconds of entering without visiting any pages more.

Depending on what your goals are must focus on some specific KPIs or other, butYou must use or yes because it will help you analyze the Social Media ROI.

3. You decide what you're going to use tools to measure Social Media ROI

Fortunately, there are severaltools for community managers that can help you to analyze your KPIs and measure your Social Media ROI. You decide which ones you will use to measure your efforts.

Tools such asTwitter Analytics, Facebook Insights OGoogle Analytics They will help you achieve.


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4. Determine the total costs

Before calculating the Social Media ROI it is also important for you to consider other expenses you have apart from the investment you made for your campaign.

Among these total costs they are for example hourly rates If your networks are being managed by a Community Manager, the value of your working hours himself administers tú mismo las diferentes plataformas, themiscellaneous expenses of each social media channel Y other expenses that can be added to this investment.

In this way, You have a much more realistic view of how much you are actually costing your actions in social media.

5. Calculate the ROI and implements improvements

And now that you know everything you should keep in mind to measure your effort in networks, it's time to meetThe formula to calculate the Social Media ROI.

Social Media Branding

Each brand must have its own branding strategy on social networks and express themselves through their own written and visual language to connect with your audience and differentiate from your competition.

In REDBAI we believe that businesses need to integrate those social networks that best suit their strategy, within their marketing plans, branding and communication, and not treat them in isolation.

It is imperative to understand how people interact with your brand through different channels offered by social media (forums, networking, blogs…) and how strong the previous emotional bond between your brand and your audience, before starting to develop the interactions of the brand experience of a social media branding program.

Social networks, well understood and used, They function as ideal tools to provide their brand of human qualities and emotional values. Social media branding should be based on cultural relevance and the creation, developing and maintaining emotional ties with your audience, not the hype.

A brand that truly aspire to become social, You should focus on people, be authentic and facilitate long-term generation of relations between the organization and its various audiences.

REDBAI helps you design the proper integration of its branding on social networks with your marketing plan and general communication, to achieve synergies that create new opportunities for your organization, improve the brand experience customers, multiply the value of their brand and increase their ROI.

5 Keys to Social Media Branding Strategy

Social media branding is the specific brand management in social networks. It is a discipline within the digital marketing that must be coordinated with other media, and you need its own strategy to achieve the objectives of the brand.

As consultantbranding, inBang! we know that there are no mathematical formulas or miracle potions. So, How can we ensure the success of a brand in social networks? Social Media Branding.

Social networking is a complex and changing ecosystem. Each social network has its own dynamics and, each profile has a unique and interconnected community that leads to an endless and overwhelming array of possibilities to establish relationships.

Given this reality, we always poses as a challenge "systematic measurement and strategizing".

This is the question that every professionalsocial media branding would like to answer: advertising? content? interaction? public?

The answer is almost as wide as the question, and all possible answers can be a valid solution or not.

Because, in REDBAI we understand that the key to anchor the boat ashore is to assume the context: to create an effective strategy, we need to devise customized tactics. We are not worth generalities or low cost proposals.

Because the only possible solution to generate effective communication in social networks goes through delivering a personalized plan with a specific roadmap and start a direct conversation with his followers.

But, How do we get this?

Retaking the premise that there are no magic formulas, then, We propose five variables to land strategysocial media branding:

Social media branding goals

As in any marketing strategy - as a general concept or strategy - we must raisewhat we want to achieve.

Obvious, no? Yes, but reflect in writing and in a disaggregated what our objectives are entering the arena of social networks will help us, especially, to evaluate and adapt happend to obtain the best strategies to improve.

sales. Notoriety. Traffic. What role do social networks within our marketing strategy?


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Based on these objectives, we can define after theKPI'S(Key Performance Indicators) which will then be fundamental to analyze the results we get.

Public monitored set y

One factor that characterizes social networks is the (almost) absence intermediary between transmitter and receiver. as a brand, converse directly with the public, which in turn become transmitters when they interact with your company profile.

The main thing to communicate properly with them is to identify. Who are your your public? Who are your competitors? And your suppliers? Not only we talk about customers, as in the more traditional marketing theory, all public organization will be present in social networks.

To refine our words, we define and classify. Who are studying, how they behave and what they are looking for while surfing the RRSS.

contents, the key to success in social media branding

"Content is king". The years do not go through this appointment as used in the field of digital marketing. Because whether we talk aboutsocial media branding as if we refer to SEO (and even conventional advertising) consumers have become increasingly demanding information that moved them.

Mima content and grant your audience what demands and thus establishes a real relationship and quality with the target audience of your brand.

Social media well conversed

To win our share of the pie in social networks, we have to work it.

The natural development of social networks, raw spaces where interaction and bilateral and democratic conversation, has resulted in brands can not be mere transmitters.

Utilities platforms thereby invite: mentions, comments, Instant messages, chat bots, etc. Everything is aimed at establishing a conversation everhumanbetween brands and their followers.

Analysis and evaluation

As we anticipated at the beginning, This is the real jewel in the crown when implementing strategies in social networks (much more, if they are well integrated with other digital media).

The analysis of results is the point that really makes the difference between an amateur and a professional management management of social networks. And either, probably, what will determine the success between a profile and another.

Social networks Information

Thesocial networks They have become a resource for our daily, as well as an essential element in anyMarketing Plan, although there are few people who are still wonderingFor what are the social network good for. While it is true that they are one of the pillars on which rests the callweb 2.0, sometimes usuallycannibalize the other platforms that make this new reality.

So, The purpose of this post is to provide a clear and orderly informationWhat are social networks, which are themajor social networks, in which social networks differsocial media or profileUser social networks in Spain, This last point from data taken from our annual report on the subject, Free download.


Different sources date in 1994, with the birth ofGeocities, the appearance ofsocial media. It was a classification system webs geolocalised, ragged, but highly effective, which it was eventually acquired by Yahoo! in 1999 by 4.000 millions of euros (an excellent example ofdotcom bubble). A year later, Randy Conrads creaClasmattes (whose aim was to contact former classmates), Meanwhile in 1997 arrivesSixDegrees, based on theTheory of Six Degreesand the first to allow you to create a social profile and a friend, Friendster YLunarStorm are other pioneers who paved the way 2.0.

Nevertheless, it was not until the beginning of the new millennium when social platforms proliferate as we know them today: Myspace (2003) He marked before and after regarding theevolution of social networks, a year which also saw the lightLinkedIn. 2004 It will be marked forever as the year in which Mark Zuckerberg created Facebook ... And from here all is history.



It is the social network of, more than 2.000 million monthly active users. Currently, We can interact through personal profiles (that identify each person as a user) and pages (oriented organizations of any kind). A final element to consider would be the groups, they will be places that encourage interaction between personal profiles. Let's see in detail each of the following:

He profile shows the personality, interests and how the online life of each person. The most common activities performed Facebook users are sharing photos, music, videos, news and views on numerous issues.

Meanwhile, pages They serve to promote products, organizations or public figures. A page is not "ask to be your buddy or friend", but one receives admirers, followers and supporters of what is being proposed or revealing ("I like it").

Finally, the groups They are for users who want to bring people together around a common theme created. Unlike a profile, where contacts are your friends and acquaintances, in a group you can add people from different parts and are not known. They can be public, private or secret.


It is the servicemicroblogging most widespread in the world, more than 320 million active users monthly. Twitter allows users and businesses to connect with the information they consider interesting by sending and receiving "tweets”, no more messages 280 characters that are posted on the profile of the person who writes, and replicated simultaneously on the homepage of his followers. If you can not view the process, follow a user is like signing yourtweets.

Twitter adds the ability to search by user, theme, hashtag and send direct messages - DM-, our other private users. further, It incorporates the possibility oftweets Sponsored and profiles, Noninvasive a way of advertising that suits the interests of followers.


Characterized by the square shape of the images in honor of the Kodak Instamatic and Polaroid cameras, It is a free photo sharing application in which users can apply typographic effects like filters, marcos, retro and vintage colors acquired by Facebook in 2012. Currently, has more than 800 million users


Founded in 2003, LinkedIn has become the professional social network of reference. Each day captures approximately 60.000 new profiles and global growth has been dizzying, to exceed 500 million users. In fact, many companies use today as a major recruiting tools thanks to its wide possibilities and complete information possessed candidate.


Created by three former PayPal employees in February 2005, in November 2006 It was acquired by Google in exchange for 1.650 millions of dollars, thus becoming its most expensive acquisition so far. Since then, the impact of YouTube on the Web 2.0 It has not only grown, becoming the main platform for viewing videos and upload, and the second search query volume, only surpassed, paradoxically, by Google itself.


initially driven to compete with Facebook, Google Plus has become an interesting platform that integrates the classic Google services, as well as exciting new features like videoconferencing system known as Hangout. Like its competitor, Google Plus allows users presence through three modes: personal profile, page or community (the latter would be the equivalent of Facebook groups). further, Another interesting aspect is that defined their growing importance in SEO strategies organizations, because we must not forget that Google is the leading search engine on the Internet, and Google Plus social application.


Pinterest is a social network based on images in which people create links through their interests. Sometimes this platform is described as an "online cork board" in which individuals are hanging graphical elements that call attention. Hence the name 'Pin + interest = Pinterest’ ("Pin it" your interests). This network is based both on the interaction with others as in other social networks like Facebook or Twitter, but it focuses more on the interests or hobbies that bind.


Acquired by Yahoo! in 2.005, It is one of the largest repositories of images of the world, more than 10.000 millions. As in the case of YouTube, to create a Flickr account no advanced knowledge required, but only an email account. Active time, we can upload one or more images, create albums, follow other users or even upload videos.


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servantin the shadow from YouTube, Vimeo is an audiovisual platformstreaming online that allows you to upload and share content. Focused on providing quality service, It is often used by professionals in the audiovisual field to dump their portfolios or products. further, It offers interesting options for companies or projects that require a professional video storage system.

communication in social networks

Communication in Social Networks

Communication through the use of social networks. Day by day the need to keep in communication increases, Therefore we must be aware that social networks play an important role in communication today marking the difference from other media.

First we must know that social networks, according Orihuela (2008), They are "based on the web that allow users related services, share information, coordinate actions and overall, keep in contact".

The use of social networks It has resulted in a great success, This is because it is a tool that combines the use of the Internet and accentuate its uniqueness in the communication system. Communication through social networking is a tool that complements traditional communication, expanding and breaking down physical barriers and even times between cities in the world, leading to increased development and growth of this medium.

Social networks have changed the way we communicate is why it is necessary to create clear and concise strategies with achievable goals to achieve the desired objectives and communicate effectively, otherwise you will have problems interacting with your customers or potential customers.

Your strategy through communication in social networks must maintain the following:

  • Ask yourself achievable goals
  • It determines the presence you want to have in social networks
  • Know which are the most suitable sites to post
  • Meet the hours in which you get more attention from your publications
  • Learn how to interact in social networks
  • Use a good publication and implementation plan
  • Called out correctly metrics, help you measure your scope and evolution in achieving your goals

It is also important to know some of the characteristics of communication in social networks, To understand how this medium works.

  • The breadth and range of the people with whom we associate. Both in quantity and quality referring to contacts from different fields.
  • hyperconnectivity, this is the amount of hours we are connected to these people and the number of messages that can be exchanged in less time.
  • The identity you construct, as profile picture, design, reviews, comments, message types, among others.
  • The performativity of your network of contacts. Just like you define your identity, You are responsible for building your network of contacts.
  • The attention economy, Here the information compete with each other for the attention of users. This forces the writer to adapt their messages, to reach users.

That is why the use of social networks as a mass medium offers great advantages and opportunities for companies and individuals which provides direct and immediate communication with the public.

  • Helping to improve your brand image
  • Increasing the visibility of a product or service
  • Cheapening the dissemination of content to target audience
  • Obtaining interaction between both parties
  • Expanding the brand promotion.

Social Networks in Enterprises

20 advantages of using social networks for businesses. Social networks have become not only a new trend when they relate pose a tool for many companies when analyzing the profiles of potential employees, to promote a product or service or to encourage interaction among employees.

Social networking for businesses: advantage

Websites like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn provide new communications media and advertising providing advantages such as these:

  1. An active presence in social networks helps the company to strengthen its brand.
  2. Greater awareness of the organization.
  3. At Web 2.0 It is an alternative trading platform.
  4. media coverage to a relatively low cost.
  5. Target segmentation.
  6. Increase communication channels with customers.
  7. The customer is easier.
  8. If comments relevant content and publications generated the link with customers will be strengthened.
  9. The viral effect makes promotions and quickly spread
  10. Ability to monitor conversations about the organization.
  11. Identifying new business opportunities.
  12. Warning of potential problems products or services
  13. Perform a pre-test product launch.
  14. Recruitment processes.
  15. Obtaining information relevant to our analysis.
  16. Evaluate a possible internationalization.
  17. To keep track of our competition.
  18. Driving traffic to the website.
  19. Improve our positioning on the Internet.
  20. Train and gain experience in an environment with high growth.


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