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SEO course. How to do SEO Step by Step.

He SEO course How to do SEO Step by Step It intends to take new tools in order that they can be used without any problems when working with articles on different web pages.

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It is important that all people who want to start with SEO review the basics that have been implemented previously. Along with current issues that are newer and are considered a bit more modern.

During SEO. SEO course How to do SEO Step by Step

This is based on the SEO course, that all people interested in the subject learn in an orderly fashion, by an easy structure so that they can optimize the content of any web page or site and thus improve viewing in different search engines.

In this course you will learn to position a website in major Internet search engines and eventually when you have worked with different web pages.

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You can develop a professional profile from your work experience that you've previously purchased, in order to be able to boost your career and start your business independently.

It is important to know that people who engage in this activity are termed SEO consultants O SEO experts.

How to start your SEO

He SEO for its acronym in English meansSearch Engine Optimization Spanish and its definition is search engine optimization.

He SEO It is that it must follow a series of procedures to improve the display of a website and thus obtain organic type results in search engines.

A professional SEO It helps web pages to the top position in search engine and it is necessary to know the specific topic that runs a website.

What is an Internet search engine?

Search engines on the Internet contain a tracking robots, known as'bots’, which generally they have the function to check the content of each website constantly with certain important periods of time.

Index content in Google

It is necessary to use the indexing of web pages wishing you are visited by these bots and what not, this is a way to prevent bots crawl pages that do not help for a website to be positioned.

It is very important that the content of the website is indexed contains and valuable information that is relevant, updated and that has a good web design.

Keywords Keywords

When you have already selected the content you want to index, You can start working with the following procedure of SEO, and are the keywords.

These words or phrases, usually They are those that put users in Internet search engines to find or locate specific content which they need to extract information.

When positioning a website perfectly content needs to be analyzed previously and have keywords with which the search engines will work.

It is recommended that the content where it has extracted keywords makes sense with the content of the website so that they can generate organic traffic and attract the attention of many users.

Google algorithms most important

The most important algorithms that Google uses that can help the SEO content of a web page in search results, They are as follows:

  • Panda: It focuses on the content, if it is original and if it serves the user.
  • Penguin: controls the off-page link are real and relate website.
  • Fred: It is responsible for measuring the experience users have on a web.

SEO is updated each time somehow tries to focus more on content.

It is important to note some elements that will help you enhance your web content search engines:

  • URL: You need to choose a URL with titles that are easy and simple for the user to know what is going to get on the website you are visiting.
  • Titles: It is recommended that when choosing the titles these are associated with keywords to make it much easier to locate information in Internet search engines. It is important that the title is related to the content. you must not create titles that are not related to the content, because it does not have organic traffic to your website.
  • Meta-descriptions: It is important that you achieve even synthesize two lines of the contents of each publication that you make on the website you are working.
  • Images and text ALT: When you have to upload the images to a website should use the title and alt attributes to name it with keywords that are always required and when they are related to the content.
  • Content: It is necessary that the content has value, objectivity and directed to a specific audience so you can generate organic traffic, it is necessary that the content is original and not a copy, This requires that passes by anti-plagiarism tools so they can confirm that the content is not copied from another website.

Learn SEO Step by Step

SEO used to build organic traffic on a website without the need to pay for users to visit your website.

Well this is a great way to position your website in the top search results of Google.

There are usually statistics that shed that the first three Google results are the ones that get a lot of clicks.

To learn SEO step by step you need to follow a series of procedures, These are as follows:

  1. Keywords
    This is the first thing you should do, investigate and if necessary further up the information you want in each publication you wish to make to select correctas.Éstas keywords that users are placed in search engines and are the ones that will give importance to your web content and allow the website you want to position appears on the first results of the búsqueda.Es why these keywords are very important and can be related to search terms or texts serving with anchors so that users can find your web content easier.

    Usually these keywords can get the phrase, a classification or a web address. Another way to get some keywords that potentiate your website is through the search parameter.

    You can also check the web content of your competition that is similar to your content and check the keywords and thus get an idea to position your website.

    Recommendations for choosing the best keywords:

    It is important that your keywords try where possible to be local.

    Use a minimum of four keywords to start and thus get a good organic traffic and generate good income.

    Use other keywords that relate and serve as a reference for your main keywords, These would function as secondary keywords.

    The possibility of using keywords in question form, since these are most commonly searched in voice.

  2. Create content Skyscraper
    This is a method used to generate organic traffic to your website and this is positioned in the ranking of pages, This requires that the content you choose in your publication is popular, something that is drawing the attention of many people or is a theme around a momento.Si can do to improve the content and contact influencers or persons exercising great power among the public so you can promote your web content and how result get many visitors on your website in a few days if you use this method método.Este you can also use the old content you have on your website, you just have to improve the content with updated information and if you can agregarles anchor texts it is much better, In addition you should not forget to add visual content.

    For this method to work is very important that the website has a domain authority for your site to gain popularity, To do this you have to find your content relevant information that can link.

    Another important factor that many people ignore is about the length of web content, when this is much longer there is the possibility of visitors exceeding short content, It is also important that people devote themselves to write every day on their website, It not necessarily has to be new content but it is important that you upload content.

SEO Step by Step

SEO is a very important element in all publications you make on your site to be included in the top positions in search results.

Here will be described a number of additional steps you can take to improve your website.

  1. Creates a person buyer.
    This is the representation of an ideal user for your website, which it is why we must have a brief information about the person to visit your blog, This is a fictitious person about your user concept, as this is a way to achieve establish relationships with people in reality. To accomplish this you can do you find a target audience, You can even based on the opinions of your current readers.
  2. Research your competition
    You can do a brief review of other websites that you consider to be your competitors and thus find out what keywords that are used to position these, You can also visualize the structure of its content and this way you can design your own, This does not mean that you are copying, but it will help you expand your vision of what you want to have and how far you want to go.
  3. Modifies broken links
    This is a step where you have to make enough emphasis, because if users or visitors realize that visitors are some broken links, probably do not want to go more to your website. You definitively that negatively affect your web traffic, as visitors stay away and leave you out in search results, as this is an impediment to you in a real way Logres position, since the bots, placed your website in a very bad position because visitors will not have a good experience. It is therefore important that you achieve re-direct links to pages that are functioning normally.
  4. Creates personal links
    It is important that people create internal links, these are still those links that are present on other websites and when the user gives a click these you redirect your website. Mostly this method is used in blogs, but they can also be used on a website.
  5. Give strength to your content
    At the time of writing from the orient yourself a little to the individual buyer, generating a content that is innovative, creative and to draw the attention of many people and meet the expectations of your readers users.
  6. Analyze and evaluate your SEO strategy
    They use tools that allow you to evaluate your website to have the opportunity to correct errors when you visit users, also ordered to measure your traffic, You can evaluate your positioning in search engines, among other aspects that are needed to check on your web page.
  7. Get good results
    Once you've followed all the steps to place the SEO to your web content, it is important to have patience to see the expected results, In addition you should invest some time in your web, constantly revising and modifying anything you want to improve, It is also important that you create some kind of schedule, where to put the activities you plan to do at each reporting date and thus arrange for some.

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