make app without programming

Making apps without programming: Step by Step

You do not have to be a programming wizard to make your own application. Can make apps without programming and here I'll show you how.

There are many resources and tools to achieve, and that does not mean surrender all your project to an external developer. You can have a lot of programs to ensure that the result is exactly what you expected.

REDBAI here we have put together our top tips for those looking to build an application without programming experience.

Do your research

As with any new project, creating an application begins with a preliminary investigation.

From designing your goals and your choice of mobile platform to understand the market and monetization options, Here are some questions you should ask yourself before going ahead with the design and development of your application:

Who is the competition?

Before doing anything else, see similar market existing mobile applications.

Do not be discouraged if someone already did something similar, remember, there are many applications available.

App Store variety of mobile applications
Variety of mobile applications in App Store

This exercise is not to know if your idea is completely unique, but to know what works well and what does not.

How can you do better? Where are your competitors disappointing customers? What can you offer the different market?

If your mobile application is an extension of an existing service (as an online magazine or news website, for example), competition does not really matter. What you offer is original content for a specific audience that you know and trust your brand.

Do you want to skip the research and go directly to the conversion of a site in an application?

Who is your target audience?

Due to lack of sales opportunities face to face marketing applications, know your target audience is key to success.

Nevertheless, do this right is not always easy.

There are many ways you can identify your target audience. The four most popular methods are:

  • Focus groups
  • surveys
  • Market research data
  • Audiende person

We recommend starting with creating your own Audience Person.

the Audience (o Marketing) Person simply create different profiles of people they are likely to be interested in your application: Are business professionals? How old are they? Are men or women?

Marketing Person in a mobile app
Conoce a Rachael: one of the people in the audience Buffer

You can make it as detailed or as broad as you wish. But, Of course, The more detailed you do, the clearer your target audience.

After you've created your characters, you can start to branch out into the real world; using focus groups, surveys and hard data to analyze your audience.

For more tips on creating marketing characters, email us.

What is your budget?

Your budget will depend on a number of things, and it is likely to change considerably over the lifecycle of your application.

Nevertheless, the biggest game changers are economic:

  • What mobile platform use ( native, hybrid web? )
  • ¿Desarrollo incorporated the subcontractor?
  • Level of functionality within the application
  • Marketing Method / monetization

It's a good idea to consider each of these parameters before setting your budget.

What is your deadline?

Like any other business, There must always be feasible goals and deadlines.

If you have a deadline to meet strict (maybe you want to launch in time for a certain period of vacation or a big event), then you may need to make some decisions that help reduce the time scale.

The following are the main factors affecting the development time of mobile application:

Mobile platform

Mobile development platforms
Main Platform Mobile Development: Android, iOS and Windows Mobile

There are certain platforms that are easier and faster to build than other.

For example, the hybrid platform is often used by companies who want their application available to users the fastest way (and economic) possible.

Consult us without cost mobile platform is right for your application.

Level of functionality

You can choose to leave some features on the list of “good to have” if it is essential you have it in time.


How many developers can afford to have working on the application? As usual, the more developers have, faster application will be built.

Third Party Integrations

Connect your application to other services takes time. Developers must learn and implement third-party APIs correctly.

Publication in app stores

This is out of your control. Different app stores may take longer than others to approve your application for release.

Of course, also they may be rejected; which means you have to go back, improve your application and send it back to.

A devastating blow to its deadline.

The best way to avoid delays is to read the specifications of each App Store very carefully to make sure your application complies with the rules.

If time is essential, see our Service Creating Mobile Apps.

What mobile platform you'll use?

¿You Construct for iOS, Android o Windows? Will your hybrid application, the native web?

It is important to decide which platform you will use at the beginning of your investigation stage, as it plays an important role in budget, timeline and what kind of functionality can have in your application.

We explain web applications, hybrid and native in detail via email.

How do you monetizarás your application?

Do your profits will come from the sale of the application, advertising, in-app purchases, subscriptions or some other source?

The vast majority of applications use one of the following four methods: paid downloads, advertisements, in-app purchases and native advertising.

You can also choose to define success differently, as increased brand awareness or the number of users of mobile applications that access your content.

For a detailed explanation of the four monetization methods and tips on how to implement them in your application, please contact us via email.

Designing your application

1. initial sketch

The first step in designing your application is to let your ideas on paper.

Here, you establish the foundations of their main functions and general appearance of its interface.

Now do not worry if you are not an artist: this is simply an exercise to help you and your team to understand where the application is directed.

It really can be as simple as this:

sketch mobile app
Courtesy of

His sketch also be a great reference point for the next step: he wire-framing.

2. Wire Framing

If you are creating a mobile application from scratch, with a specific original functionality for your service, Our recommendation is to create a 'wireframe’ (a model or prototype).

A wireframe is where your ideas “Sketch” They combine in a clearer and more detailed image.

Create a wireframe is now easy thanks to many tools / prototyping applications that exist. POP, Balsamiq Y HotGloo are just some of the most popular.

Hotgloo wireframe app movil
Create your own application using prototyping tool HotGloo

HotGloo prototyping tool lets you drag and drop graphics
Once you have your metal structure, you can find application developers and approach them for estimates based on your designs.

A user interface designer can take your opinion and improve, add and finally design a user interface and detailed real.

Need a little inspiration framing cable? Check out these tips to put together an application from our friends Speckyboy.

3. Storyboarding

mobile application storyboarding
Example storyboarding mobile application

While creating your wireframes, Do not forget to plan your storyboard also.

The idea of ​​a storyboard is visually show how each screen developer will flow from one to another, and how users will navigate through your application.

For example, this is particularly useful for incorporation screens: users will navigate from the display, the login screen to the home screen, etc.

You can also use the same tools you used to make your wireframes to create a storyboard.

* advice: Once your prototype is complete, It is a good idea to try it with as many people as possible. Make your friends and family to play with it and take notes on how to improve UX / UI. You want some useful tips UX (User Experience) / UI (User interface)? See this article

Specify your requirements

Once your application design is completed, the next step is to write your requirements for the developer.

A good way is to describe, in the simplest way, the problem you're trying to solve with your mobile application.

Creating user stories

To do this, the approach we prefer, especially for agile development, It is to create a set of “User stories”.

User stories are a bit like creating audience profiles: take the perspective of your users and describe the actions you can perform on your application.

In fact, You must use the people who created in the research stage to help users build their stories.

User stories
Template user stories

Try to focus on each individual task they want or need , rather than how they perform.

Describe the problem , not the solution.

The classic marketing approach is to think of the role, the purpose and benefit to its user. Easy!

Requirements Document

Once you have completed your user stories, You can put everything together in a more detailed requirements document.

With a quick search, You can find many excellent online guides for writing user stories and requirements.

requirements document for mobile app
Document requirement for application developers

You are now ready to start building your application!

Developing your application

When it comes to building your mobile app, You have several options.

In this point, It is good to some of the questions you asked you during the investigation stage:

What is my budget?

What's my deadline?

What kind of application need?

Depending on your answers to these questions, your development approach will be different.

Nevertheless, You can usually divide into two key approaches: custom development tools and DIY (do it yourself) to create mobile applications.

Custom development

If you are creating a mobile application with original and unique functionality, then your only option is the custom development.

But be careful: This option can be long and hard for the wallet.

For this type of work, It may be associated with a design studio or hire freelancers:

Application design studies

Design studies may seem the best way to develop a high-end application, but you can also expect to pay a higher price.

The cost for creating a mobile app can be from $ 15,000 a $ 50,000 USD normal. However in REDBAI we have a package to create your personalized mobile application for a fraction of that cost. View product.

If you become native, multiplies about the cost of each platform you want to cover.


Independent developers can be found on sites like, Y LinkedIn .

Look iOS SDK experience, Objective C, Cocoa for iPhone / iPad and Java / Android SDK for Android development.

You can expect to pay between $ 30 Y $ 60 USD per hour for a good developer.

Upwork screenshot – independent platform

upwork to find mobile developers
Upwork has independent developers working for $ 30- $ 60 USD per hour

* advice: you really get what you pay at these sites, so developers consider going midrange if your budget allows.

At the upper end of both the ability and the cost, You can find quality developers in the independent market Crew , which analyzes developers and agencies before allowing access to the platform.

mobile development crew
Recruitment platform independent developers

Pages to create apps

If you are a small business with common requirements for your mobile application, then you can consider using a platform of existing mobile application or service mobile application development.

This is a faster and more cost-effective solution.

Services application development without programming existed for some time and are an economical alternative to hiring an agency.

This type of solution can be a good choice for a small business that needs only features such as coupons, Product catalogs, restaurant reservations or similar.

You want to turn your website into an application without any development work? Check out our solution Creating Mobile App .

Test your application (and again)

It's a good idea to test your application several times during development, not once the application is complete.

In this way, you can communicate changes to your developer while working on the application; saving you time, money and too much trouble long term.

and Android, you can install your application file on any computer / mobile device and test it in a live environment.

invision platform prototyping phone
Invision screenshot-platform mobile application prototypes

Invision is a prototyping platform that allows you to test and track your work developer.

Apple is a little different. For testing iOS, you must download a platform like Invision O test Flight. Both very easy to use tools.

Get ready for launch

You have developed your shiny new application.

You have proven time and again for errors.

Could be? Yes! You're ready for launch!

Here are some things you should do to ensure that the beginning of your new application as simple as possible:

Check the regulations of the app store

Each App Store has different rules Shipping.

To avoid denials and delays, Be sure to do your homework by reading the submission guidelines of Google and Apple applications.

Write a stunning description App Store

If your potential users love the sound of your application. He or she opens the page.

But they will perform 'download'?

The description of your App Store is your opportunity to convince users that this is the application you were looking for.

Do not miss this opportunity.

Airbnb App Store description
Airbnb App Store description

Write a compelling and informative description, and be sure to include your chosen keywords at least five times for maximum visibility.

Learn more about how to write an excellent description of App Store.

Make the most of your screenshots

Like your description, screenshots help sell your app.

So make them count! Use screenshots high quality that really show what your app can do.

The screenshots must not simply be pictures.

Many applications now integrate description and copy your images to capture the attention of your target audience.

twitter screenshots in app store
Screenshots of the App Store Twitter include text


We hope this publication provides a brief introduction on how to create your own application, even without knowledge or programming skills.

You will find that there are many options to reduce time and cost, especially if you are willing to have the support of an agency or service application development.

The main things to remember are: It sets deadlines and budget parameters, Know your audience and thoroughly research your market before you find your developer.

Now that you know how to make your application, the next step is to know how to market your mobile application. Consult me ​​via email.

masters in marketing online

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